Thursday, October 31, 2019
Computer Games as an Emerging Form of Art Essay
Computer Games as an Emerging Form of Art - Essay Example Over the past 25 years, the journey begins from two-paddles and a ball pong game to the complexity of final fantasy, and the sophistication and realism of counter strike versions. The requirement of vivid graphics, better sound, greater memory, and rapid processing has increased the consumer demand of home pc accessories and equipments. The release of new and 3D games every other day has signaled that the game designers are still having enough resources to emerge their creations as a popular art. Computer games are no more taken as a waste of time and energy. It is an emerging form of art, which still requires to be recognized, but still an art. Likewise, the computer games are discussed by the college and university students, as it is used to be for the cinema. These days, a growing number of students are having the ambition to become a game designer, rather than a filmmaker. This shows the increasing recognition of computer games these days as a profession and art. In this 21st century, our aesthetic sensibility is being shaped by this important new popular art and these games are seriously taken in today's world. The proof of its recognition is the admission of web artists and game designers, which were invited in the prestigious biannual show at New York's Whitney Museum regarding the digital art in the modern world. However, this point has not gone through the eyes of critics and one can imagine their responses to the idea that art can be something humorous, unpretentious, and playful as computer games. Therefore, they say that computer is only a tool, and maybe a new form of cultural pollution, where our kids are taught the different ways to kill their counterparts, etc. In contrary, a new lively art is represented by the computer games. It is not computer, but the art is shaped by the human creativity. A realm of experimentation without a physical risk and innovation is experienced and transformed from the computer screen aesthetically, which is accessible to everybody and anytime. That is one of the significant reasons that these games have been embraced by most of the public. However, the same path of cinema may not be taken by these games. Own artistic principles will be developed by the game designers, in order to fulfill the public's desires for interactivity and storytelling. Somehow, games provide a platform to the people, where they can have the freedom to express their emotions fairly, and can experience emotionally. Nevertheless, games do matter. Because, our children's imaginations are spark by them, by taking them to different difficult quests and making them feel the various emotions of strange worlds and stages. Games do matter, because the real world play spaces is more accessible to our kids, which used to make parents nervous and worried about their children. Nowadays, cognitive and emotional development of children and students is encouraged and supported by these computer games. The students are given the opportunities and chances to prove themselves as the best and allow them to solve the problems by their own, or with the help of their teammates. Leadership, teamwork, competition, and collaboration opportunities are formed with the help of multi-player games. The virtual
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Managament Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Managament Style - Essay Example There exist divergent types of management styles that includes democratic, autocratic, laissez-faire, paternalistic, informal, participatory and supervisory etc. Depending on organizational setting, a particular style may do well than another. All the above management styles have been summed up by Thepot in three types of leadership in the management literature as follows: the directive leadership, the transactional leadership as well as transformational leadership. It is acceptable that different managers exhibit different styles of leadership in the course of their duty. Authoritarian style This is a style of leadership also known as coercive style of management due to its uncontrollable ways. According to this style, a manager mostly demands compliance through intimidation which is basically where only the manager has a say and his demands goes un opposed. The managers give direction without asking the opinion of his juniors and convince them on how to follow his or her requirements. According to Efere, this method puts pressure on the employees which does not work well in modern business organizations as it attracts rebellion and demoralization of staff and might lead to legal redress for harassment at work place. Nevertheless, the suitability of authoritarian management style is applicable in a crises situation where a decisive measure must be taken. Democratic style A democratic manager seeks to attain his objectives through consulting his staff and coming to a compromise in decision making. When a manager involves and seeks the opinion of his or her staff on serious issues, they create a sense of responsibility and ownership among the staff who feels their contribution is valued. (Efere, 2003). As depicted by Efere (2003) such management style is likely to dispel rebellion within the staff. Nonetheless, this might be problematic in instances where the staffs are against the implementation of an important plan. In spite of this, effective communication is attainable, leading to reduced rebellion within an organization where this management style is applied. Laissez-Faire Style In this type of management style which is also known as permissive style, staff gets little direction or none at all from their managers, thus being allowed to perform their duties freely. This presents to the staff a great sense of empowerment making them feel proud of be ing in charge of their work and confident of working without supervision (Efere, 2003). However it is very advisable that this style of management be applicable where staffs are experienced and highly proficient, interested in working unmanned, trustworthy, and independent experts sourced from outside. The potential problems with this style are: first, feedback from the staff is limited if any, thus the manager is kept in the dark in regard to what is happening in his company. Secondly, it can lead to insecurity and uncertainty within the staff members should the staff be improperly trained and inexperienced. Thirdly, a situation may arise whereby the managers withhold compliments due to the staff since they are not well acquainted with the efficiency of the staff. Lastly, the responsibilities and the role played by the manager are gradually reduced and sometimes their presence is not felt by the staff. Bureaucratic style Efere (2003) argues that Bureaucratic style
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Qualitative approach to inquiry research and theory
Qualitative approach to inquiry research and theory For almost four decades now, the disciplinary boundary between social sciences and humanities has drawn closer together in order to form an interpretive, qualitative approach to inquiry, research, and theory (Denzin and Lincoln, 2008). Although the use of qualitative approaches is not new, it is remarkable the extent to which it has expanded through social sciences and into other related fields such as public health (Carter et al., 2009, Finlay, 2007, Denzin and Lincoln, 2008, Draper, 2004, Liamputtong, 2009). In the past, public health research projects primarily involved quantitative methods and approaches (Finlay, 2007). The quantitative approach includes the traditional public health disciples of epidemiology and statistics, and medicine and biology (Draper, 2004). More broadly, this approach employs rigorous, systematic, and objective methodology in order to obtain knowledge that can be generalisable (Denzin and Lincoln, 2008, Patton, 2002). In recent times, however, qualitative research methods and approaches have become increasingly accepted within public health fields (Finlay, 2007, Draper, 2004). Recognition of the value of such research is increasing, where the focus is on the lived experiences of an individual as well as the social context of health and illness. Although, not surprisingly, the increased popularity of the qualitative approach has been met with some resistance (Denzin and Lincoln, 2008). A resurgent scientifically based research paradigm has created a hostile envi ronment for qualitative research. From this perspective, qualitative research is viewed as a soft science, and research outcomes are often thought to lack in reliability and validity (Guba and Lincoln, 1998, Liamputtong, 2009, Denzin and Lincoln, 2008). Moreover, quantitative researchers argue that the gold standard of producing worthwhile knowledge is based on quantitative, experimental study designs (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005), and that the interpretive nature of qualitative data is of little value in contributing to scientific knowledge (Liamputtong, 2009, Finlay, 2007). Consequently, effort is required from qualitative researchers to be explicit about the process in which research is being carried out and to defend that process as a form of human inquiry that should be taken seriously (Crotty, 1998). More specifically, there is a need for qualitative researchers to understand and appreciate the philosophical and theoretical principles that underpin qualitative research (Draper, 2 004, Carter and Little, 2007). As such, this paper will outline a model developed by Crotty (1998), which provides a framework for the various philosophical and theoretical perspectives that influence and distinguish qualitative inquiry. This framework offers researchers a sense of stability and direction as they move towards understanding and undertaking the research process (Crotty, 1998). Next, this paper will briefly discuss the rationale behind employing qualitative approaches for research, particularly in evaluation settings and culturally diverse research contexts. However, before outlining the framework developed by Crotty (1998), it will be useful to briefly examine what is meant by the term qualitative research (Draper, 2004). Qualitative Research Qualitative research is an area of inquiry that crosses disciplines, fields, and subject matters (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). It includes a range of complex, interconnected terms, concepts, and assumptions. Furthermore, qualitative research does not privilege a single methodological practice over another and has no theory or paradigm that is distinctly its own (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). The broad use of qualitative research as a term can therefore make it difficult for scholars to agree on any essential definition (Denzin and Lincoln, 2008, Strauss and Corbin, 1996). In this being said, we must establish a definition for the purpose of this discussion. Denzin Lincoln (2005) define qualitative research as; a situated activity that locates the observer in the world. It is comprised of a set of interpretive, material practices that make the world visible. These practices transform the world and turn it into a series of representations including; field notes, interviews, conversations, and recordings (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005). Essentially this means that qualitative researchers study things in their natural setting, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in the context of the meaning people bring to them. Consequently, qualitative research involves an interpretive, naturalistic approach to the world (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005, Denzin and Lincoln, 2008, Patton, 2002, Draper, 2004, Liamputtong, 2009). As a starting point, during the initial stages of developing a qualitative research project it is suggested that two main questions are addressed (Crotty, 1998). Firstly, what methodologies and methods will be used in the proposed research? Secondly, how will the chosen methodologies and methods be justified? These questions can then be expanded into four basic elements; epistemology, theoretical perspective, methodology and methods (Crotty, 1998). When undertaking social research majority of discussion and terminology relate in some ways to these four main elements, however there are numerous ways in which they are categorized (Patton, 2002, Carter and Little, 2007, Draper, 2004). What is frequently found is that the four elements are placed together in ways that suggest comparability (Crotty, 1998, Carter and Little, 2007). For example, terms such as Ethnography and Constructionism may be placed together as methodologies, approaches or perspectives (Crotty, 1998). In order to prevent confusion it is suggested that these main elements are sorted to provide some guidance when undertaking the research process (Crotty, 1998). Various ways to distinguish these qualitative traditions have been offered by numerous authors (Draper, 2004, Patton, 2002), including: Lincoln and Guba (2005), Schwandt (2007), Crotty (1998) and Creswell (1998). However, for the purpose of this discussion, the framework (please refer to Figure 1 below) suggested by Crotty (1998) will be employed. Methods Methodology Theoretical Perspective EpistemologyFigure 1 This framework offers three main epistemologies: objectivism, constructionism, and subjectivism (Patton, 2002, Crotty, 1998). These three elements are then suggested to influence in varying degrees different theoretical perspectives: positivism (and postpositivism), interpretivism (symbolic interaction, phenomenology, hermeneutics), critical inquiry, feminism, and post modernism (Patton, 2002, Crotty, 1998). It is far beyond the scope of this paper to define and expand on each of these philosophical and theoretical elements outlined above, however it is important to be aware of the characteristics and distinctions that exist at each level of this model (Draper, 2004). Firstly, it should be noted that in many research textbooks the use of the term qualitative often implies that is forms an umbrella superior to the term paradigm (Guba and Lincoln, 1998). Furthermore, qualitative research and quantitative research are often compared against each other as polar opposites (Crotty, 1998, Johnson and Waterfield, 2004, Draper, 2004). However, as Crotty (1998) suggests, the distinction between qualitative research and quantitative research is drawn at the level of methods (Crotty, 1998). It does not occur at either the level of epistemology or theoretical perspective. What does occur at these levels is the distinction between objectivist/positivist research, on the one hand, and constructionist and subjectivist research, on the other (Crotty, 1998). As such, discussion of Crottys framework will begin at the level of epistemology. Epistemology Epistemology aims to provide a philosophical foundation for deciding what kinds of knowledge are possible and how we can ensure that they are adequate and legitimate (Crotty, 1998). In other words, epistemology is the study of the nature of knowledge and justification (Schwandt, 2007). This element is the starting point because epistemology creates the foundation for the research process and will directly influence other elements in the framework (Carter and Little, 2007). More specifically, decisions about epistemology will impact choice of methodology, as some epistemologies are incommensurable to certain methodologies (Carter and Little, 2007). Epistemology may also constrain research methods, determine the relationship between researcher and participant, the appropriate measures of research quality, and the nature of reporting (Carter and Little, 2007). Although there are a variety of epistemologies (Crotty, 1998, Schwandt, 2007), Crottys framework proposes three main epistemologies; objectivism, subjectivism and constructionism. Of these three, constructionism is the epistemology that qualitative researcher often invoke (Crotty, 1998). However, it is important to note that it has become common for qualitative researchers to superficially claim to be a constructionist (Crotty, 1998). When a researcher claims to be a constructionist it is vital that the deeper significance of the term is reflected on, including: what does it mean for research to be constructionist? And what implications does being constructionist hold? Responses to these questions are important for defending the process in which research has been undertaken (Crotty, 1998). As previously mentioned, Crottys framework suggests that from an epistemological perspective the distinction is made between Objectivist/Positivist research, on the one hand, and Constructionist and subjectivist research on the other (Crotty, 1998). Furthermore, the distinction between qualitative and quantitative approaches is drawn at methods. As such, in accordance with this framework, research can be qualitative or quantitative, or both qualitative and quantitative, without this being problematic in any way (Crotty, 1998). However, problems would arise in the attempt of being both objectivist and constructionist (or subjectivist). Therefore, to avoid such conflict there is a need to be consistently objectivist or consistently constructionist (or subjectivist) (Crotty, 1998). Theoretical Perspective Next we describe the philosophical stance that forms the base of the chosen methodology for the research project (Crotty, 1998). Inevitably, when undertaking research a number of assumptions are made in relation to the chosen methodology (Crotty, 1998). By stating what these assumptions are we are elaborating the theoretical perspective of the study (Crotty, 1998). Crottys suggests the theoretical perspectives: positivism (and postpositivism), interpretivism (symbolic interaction, phenomenology, hermeneutics), critical inquiry, feminism, and post modernism (Crotty, 1998). Generally, qualitative research is said to be broadly rooted in the interpretive tradition, while quantitative research being rooted in the positivist tradition (Draper, 2004, Liamputtong, 2009). However, Crotty offers an alternative position in regards to the distinction drawn at this level (Crotty, 1998). Crotty suggests that from the level of theoretical perspective, contrast is made between positivism vs. non positivism, not quantitative vs. qualitative (Crotty, 1998). In other words, it is possible for a quantitative piece of work to be presented in non positivist way. Moreover, qualitative research may also be understood in a positivist manner, or situated in an overall positivist setting (Crotty, 1998). For example, when investigators talk of exploring meanings by employing qualitative methods and then confirming or validating their findings through a quantitative study, the latter is being approached in a positivist way. Consequently, what makes a study turn into a positivist piece of work is not necessarily the use of quantitative methods but the attribution of objectivity, validity and generalisability to quantitative findings (Crotty, 1998). Methodology Methodology is the third level in the framework and is a term that is frequently used loosely in the literature (Carter and Little, 2007). For example, various authors refer to methodology as: schools of thought or movements (such as symbolic interactionism or feminism), whole disciples (such as anthropology), or methods (such as focus groups or observation). However, the definition that will be offered for the purpose of this discussion is: the research design that determines the choice and use of specific methods and connects them to desired outcomes (Crotty, 1998). Furthermore, methodology is the middle ground that exists between the discussion of methods and the discussion of the philosophy and theoretical elements of the study. In this sense, methods and methodology are closely associated. What is required at this level of the framework is not only a description of the methodology but also an account of the rationale it provides for the choice of methods and the particular forms in which the methods are employed (Crotty, 1998). There are numerous methodological theories that researchers may adopt in qualitative research. Over the decades, methodologists have articulated various ways to approach qualitative research (Carter and Little, 2007). Some of the methodologies that Crotty (1998) suggest include: Experimental research, Ethnography, Phenomenological research, Grounded theory, Action research and Discourse analysis. Among the various methodological theories that are used in qualitative research, one of the most commonly used is phenomenology (Liamputtong, 2009). When constructing methodology researchers commonly state that they will use whichever methodology that suits the objectives and research questions of the study (Carter et al., 2009). Although, this does not recognise that this relationship exists in two directions. In other words, the methodologies provide a way of thinking that will strongly impact a studys possible objectives, questions, and study design. Importantly, however, the objectives, questions, and study design will also shape the choice of methodologies (Carter and Little, 2007). As such, the degree to which a study is undertaken within a theoretical framework will be less important that the degree to which a study can justify the internal consistently of the choices of method, methodology, and epistemology (Carter and Little, 2007). Methods Finally, the last level of the framework that will be outlined is methods. Research methods can be defined as the particular activities that researchers engage in so as to gather and analyse their data (Crotty, 1998). Whichever data collection methods are chosen for the study, the challenge lies in being capable to undertake the procedure off skillfully, rigorously, and sensitively (Finlay, 2007). Given the aim of identifying and justifying the research process, it is vital that the methods are described in as much detail as possible. Crotty (1998) outlines a wide range of methods that may be employed when undertaking research (Draper, 2004), some of which include: questionnaires, observation, interviews, case studies, document analysis, and focus groups. More specifically, within qualitative research there are multiple methods that may be utilized, some of the most common include: Observation, Interviewing, and Focus Groups (Patton, 2002). However, it is important to note that there is no one particular method or set of methods that completely represent the qualitative approach (Schwandt, 2007). Methods are the most flexible and pragmatic components of the research process and are strongly influenced by other elements in the framework. Methods also create the pathway to the final research product (Carter and Little, 2007). There is no research without: sampling, data collection, data managements, analysis, and reporting. Additionally, without careful choice of methods, the research questions will not be effectively answered and the objectives will not be met. As methods are the most accessible, observable and obligatory of the four elements in Crottys framework, it is often the element that is most attended to in practice (Carter and Little, 2007). It is also too easy to select methods because they are more familiar, faster, or easier to implement without paying sufficient attention to the research outcomes and conclusions they will produce (Carter and Little, 2007). In the health sector, qualitative research is frequently conducted without attention to the philosophical and theoretical perspectives that influence and distinguish qualitative inquiry. In these circumstances, such research will be difficult to justify unless methods, methodology, and epistemology are outlined and internally consistent. By having a firm handle on the methodological and epistemological decisions, the methods should evolve to serve the study (Carter and Little, 2007) Justification Since the framework developed by Crotty (1998) has been outlined, discussion will now briefly touch on the rationale for employing a qualitative approach to research, particularly in evaluation settings and culturally diverse contexts. The actual and potential application of qualitative methods and approaches is so broad and over time is constantly expanding (Patton, 2002). However, qualitative approaches are not always appropriate for all inquiry situations (Patton, 2002). Certain purposes, questions, problems and situations are more appropriate for qualitative application than others. Within the field of public health qualitative research has much to offer in terms of understanding patterns of behaviour and how particular problems arise, as well as informing the design of interventions or services (Draper, 2004). In general, within the field of public health quantitative research aims to assist both practitioners and policy makers to ensure that health education and provision are relevant to the needs of service users (Finlay, 2007). Some qualitative research will also focus more particularly on giving a voice to marginalized, vulnerable or disempowered individuals or groups, with a view to empower them to take control of their own health. Another relevant application for qualitative approaches is in the context of evaluations, since they tell the programs story by capturing and communicating participants stories (Patton, 2002). Qualitative findings in evaluations illuminate the people behind the numbers and put faces on the statistics in order to deepen understanding (Patton, 2002). More specifically, qualitative research has also become important for collecting information on the perceptions, beliefs, and values of culturally diverse groups (Caldero et al., 2000). As nations become more culturally diverse, qualitative research approaches will become more widely used. This is in the hope to achieve a better understanding of the needs of minorities and other vulnerable populations that are experiencing less than optimal access to health care and experiencing poorer health status then the broader population (Caldero et al., 2000). The use of qualitative research is not intended to replace, but should be considered complementary to, quantitative research approaches. This will result in wider and a more realistic understanding of the health status of our diverse population (Caldero et al., 2000). Conclusion In conclusion, it might be true that research can be completed without attending to the philosophical and theoretical foundations of ones work (Carter and Little, 2007). However, this discussion suggests that having an awareness of these elements carries substantial benefit (Carter and Little, 2007, Draper, 2004). Epistemology, theoretical perspective, methodology and methods are all fundamental concepts (Draper, 2004). Reporting our research requires us to set forth the research process we have engaged in and to do so faithfully and comprehensively (Crotty, 1998). Is it, after all, our account of the research process that establishes the credit of our research. The process itself is the only source of justification. Consequently, effort is required from researchers to be explicit about the process in which research has been carried out and to defend that process of qualitative research as a form of human inquiry that should be taken seriously (Crotty, 1998). Word Count: 2950 word
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Significance of the Letter in The Scarlet Letter Essay -- Scarlet
The Scarlet Letter: The Significance of the Letterà à à à à à à à à à à à Adultery has been around almost as long as people. It has maintained a harsh punishment, from banishment to death, but in the Puritan world of colonial America (from about 1620-1640), its punishment may have been worse than either. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hester Prynne is a lonely Puritan woman who commits infidelity with a preacher and has a son from the untruthful union. To punish her for this act, the council of leaders forces her to wear a large ââ¬Å"Aâ⬠on her bosom, to let all know what she has done. She is not put to death immediately because her husband is missing and may or may not be alive. The letter ââ¬Å"Aâ⬠has different meanings for different people throughout the book. To Hester, the townspeople and Pearl the letter ââ¬Å"Aâ⬠takes on varied meanings during the course of the book. Hester Prynne is required by Puritan dictate to wear the ââ¬Å"Aâ⬠as long as she lives in the village. Hester feels the letter to be a sign of ignominy. As she stands on the scaffold at the beginning of the story, she feels intense embarrassment and shame at having to wear the letter in public. She even drifts into a faux-reality before returning to the shame of the letter. ââ¬Å"She turned her eyes downward at the scarlet letter, and even touched it with her finger, to assure herself that the infant and the shame were real. Yes! - these were her realities.â⬠(57) This is the first and least intense feeling she has for the letter. The ââ¬Å"Aâ⬠was intended to produce a deep sense of shame and disgrace, to dissuade other possible sinners. She realizes what the ââ¬Å"Aâ⬠is intended for, and stays true to that philosophy for a while. Her shame excludes her from society and normal life. S... ...even today, with the suffering and pain humans inflict on each other. Hawthorne beautifully pieced together this masterpiece over two hundred years after the time period took place. Hester Prynne did not let shame come in the way of loyalty or love, and this is the greatest victory of all. Works Cited and Consulted Baym, Nina. Introduction. The Scarlet Letter. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. New York City: Penguin Books USA, Inc. 1986. Durst Johnson, Claudia. Understanding The Scarlet Letter. Westport, Ct: Greenwood, 1995. Fryer, Judith. "Hester Prynne: The Dark Lady as "Deviant"." Major Literary Characters. New York, 1990. 107-115. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. 1850. New York: The Modern Library, 2000. Sewall, Richard B. "The Scarlet Letter: Criticism." Novels for Students. Ed. Diane Telgen. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale Research, 2001. 319-27.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Essay for Santa Monica
I have attended Salesman Demised University and graduated with a Bachelor Degree of Mechanical Engineering on July 3rd 2009. Before graduating, I manage to attend an internship in a manufacturing company that specializes in the auto industry of my field. Throughout my experience in this company, I saw that my English wasn't good enough to communicate with other business people who visited our company when they ask question about our product and I couldn't explain to them better.Therefore, I decided to come to America to study English professionally because I learn from experience that English language Is the common point everywhere I go. It Is use to communicate to everyone especially In my career. If I learn to speak fluently, I can communicate better with the people In the Industry of mechanical engineering and together with other nationality. Coming to America for the first time In my life, I was enrolled In the IF International Language School.I have enjoyed the school but It's t o Like academic program where I can actually study more seriously compare to IF International School. So I visited few colleges in Los Angles area and I found out about El Camino College and I asked few students who study in the campus about the English program. And I was told that Santa Monica College has a great learning for English program in Los Angles. Then I visited Santa Monica campus and I saw the difference. I like the atmosphere of the campus and it's very close to the beach.There are also many different nationalities that I saw who attended Santa Monica College and they all say that it has good credibility to transfer too university. Once I finish learning professional English, I also would like to do Business Administration so I can expand my parent's family business globally. Therefore, I would like to apply for your college to fulfill my dreams. If I will be given a chance to attend your school institution, it will be a big dream comes true for me and my family who sup port me from a thousand miles away. I will be one of the happiest person from the country of Turkey.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Topic Essay # 93
While I was growing up in Colombia my idea of fun was going outside to the park either with my cousins or friends to play until it got dark and my mom would call me to go back inside the house. Growing up in Colombia is something very different than a kid growing up here in the United States. My afternoons during the week would always have around the same schedule as I would be back home by one in the afternoon, at two thirty I would had already eaten lunch, and by six all my homework would be done meaning that I would be free to go out and play.If I did not have my homework done my mom would not allow me to go out for the day. The complex in which I lived had a few houses owned by my uncles or aunts, so growing up around family was something I always did. I have a few cousins around the same age range so all I had to do was walk down the street knock on their door and ask them to come out and play.For us having fun had a very broad meaning because it could be something like playing hide and seek, making up games as we went, getting dirty in the park, riding our bikes around the complex or to the other end it was sitting down and talking about our life, with the girls we would do each otherââ¬â¢s hair while the boys just kicked the ball around, just going into someoneââ¬â¢s house and watch a movie, or just lay there in the grass with the summer breeze warming up our skin as we looked to the sky and made shapes out of the clouds. My idea of fun was something I could do every day, at any time and never gets tired of it.Having fun it was a moment in which I could forget about everything and just enjoy my time with those whom were around. Fun did not always meant doing big things or be in expensive places as at the moment my family did not have the resources to do that but within that I learn that it was the little things that would make up a really nice big picture that actually mattered. With the fact that a few places in my complex were owned by members of my family, something I would always look forward to when I was a kid was the fact that wherever I went there would always be food.Every single kid always likes to eat, it doesnââ¬â¢t matter where you get your food as long as you get it you will be happy. Well I loved being able to eat around those whom I love the most and not always having to eat at my house. All my uncles and aunts know how to cook. With my cousins we would try to switch houses as much as possible so we could have different types of meals made by those whom we love. The memory of being able to go outside and play all day until it was dark out and then know that when I was done I could go and eat something delicious is something from my childhood that I would never change.I could have fun for a few hours and then look forward to be in the table eating and chatting around those who mean the world to me. I know that if I had grown up here in the United States, this memory from when I was a kid would not be the sam e as when I moved here everything changed, and being here already for over eight years I can see the difference in how things really go. I am happy that I had my own idea of having fun, and looking forward to something in Colombia and that is truly a blessing for me.
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